Henricson Technology AB:s department for:
Product and Business Development

Ulf Henricson

Henricson Technology AB
Box 128
917 22 Dorotea

Tel: +46 - (0)942 - 250 88
Mobile: +46 - (0)70 - 60 77 388
              +46 - (0)70 - 63 44 283
E -mail: ulf@henricson.se

Started engineering education 1957. Finished B. Mech. Eng. in Stockholm 1962. Design eng. at ABB Stal from Jan 1963 to Dec. 1968. Manoeuvring valves and control systems for marine steam turbines.

From June 1975 to September 1999, Hägglunds Hydraulics:

1975 - 1976:

Chief designer for Hägglunds Hydraulic Division's Accessory program.
Brakes, Electro-hydraulic servo vales, Rolleff hydraulic motors, Valves.

1977 - 1978:

Chief designer for Hägglunds Hydraulic Division's Viking motor program.

1979 - 1982:

Design Manager for Hägglunds Hydraulic Division.
Viking motors, Wheel Hub motors, SAMM Motors, Brakes.

1983 - 1984:

Marketing support for UK, Germany, Austria, Switzerland and Eastern part of Europe.

1984 - 1986:

Started sales activities in India and China. Investigating the market, appointing distributor, training, support activities etc.

1986 - 1987:

Marketing support for "Very Important Customers" worldwide.
Ex. Gold (Sonar winches for US Navy), Grove (Mobile Cranes), KRUPP Kranbau (Off Shore Cranes), MMD (Mineral processing, Materials handling.)

1987 - 1988:

Marketing Manager for Business Area Mining, Mineral Processing and Materials Handling World wide.

1989 - 1994:

Regional Manager for Hägglunds Denison in Asia based in Hong Kong.
Some of the activities during these years:

- Participation in reorganisation HD India to one company in the multinational Hagglunds Denison group of companies. HD India was an operation with 240 employees at that point in time.

- Started activities in Korea. Appointing distributor, training, sales support, started Liaison Office, supervision of activities and results, etc.

- Started activities in Taiwan. Appointing distributor, training, sales support, started Liaison Office, supervision of activities and results, etc.

- Investigated the market place for Hagglunds Denison in Pakistan and Vietnam.

- Member of the board of directors at Hägglunds Denison SAE / Singapore and Hagglunds China / Hong Kong.

- Chef Representative and Chairman of the board of Directors for Hägglunds China Ltd

- Negotiated a Joint Venture with Shanghai Hydraulic and Pneumatic Corporation for manufacturing of Vane Pumps at Shanghai Hydraulic Pump Manufacturer.

- Negotiated a Joint Venture with China Coal for manufacturing of Hydraulic Motors at Zhouzhu Mining Machinery Plant.

- Started a sales and service office in Shanghai.

- Started a sales office in Beijing in co-operation with China Rail.

- Started sales of components and drives to China Rail, Bao Steel, Dexing Copper, Dow Chemical China, Shanghai Port Machinery Plant,
Shanghai Tunnelling to mention the biggest companies.

- Established personnel contacts with people in The Ministry of Light Industry, The Ministry of Agriculture, The Ministry of Coal, China Rail, Shanghai Hydraulic and Pneumatic Corporation, Hangzhou Hydraulic University, Guangzhou University to mention the biggest organisations

1995 - 1999:

Returned to Sweden:

- Sales and marketing support to Asia.

- Training of Hägglunds Drives worldwide sales people. Technical training, Sales Management training, Sales training.

- Development and responsibility for Hägglunds Drives Correspondence Training Course and program.

- Project Manager for development of Hägglunds Drives biggest hydraulic motors Marathon MB 3200 and MB 4000.

- Project Manager for development of Hägglunds Drives Standards for Piping Systems.

- Project Manager for development of Low Noise Power Units.

1999 - 2001:

MD Integrated Drives Sweden AB. See www.indrives.com

- Development of the Hercules motor concept.


Pensioned with following priority list:

1; Support further development of The Hercules Concept.
2; Develop new product ideas.
3; Support inventors in all possibly ways.
4; Maintain my personal worldwide business contacts.
5; Mentorship for marketing people working with Asia